The Children’s Place is a Children’s Advocacy Center serving the community of St. Clair County. An advocacy center is the ONE place that provides a safe and child-friendly environment for a child experiencing the trauma of child abuse. Here at The Children’s Place, we operate as a team. Representatives from local Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, the District Attorney’s office, and Medical and Mental Health professionals share information and develop effective, coordinated strategies sensitive to the needs of each unique case and child.
- We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable organization
- We are a Partner Agency with United Way of Central Alabama
- We are a part of the Alabama Network of Child Advocacy Centers
Information from the Alabama Network of Child Advocacy Centers

The St. Clair County District Attorney’s Office, Department of Human Resources, and Friends of Children (a group formed in 1984), have together invested time and resources to make the center a reality. In November 1992, the St. Clair Children’s Advocacy Center was incorporated, approved a Board of Directors, and was accepted as a member of the Alabama Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers. A house designed specifically to meet the needs of the center was donated through the generosity of a St. Clair County family. In addition, many other civic groups, churches, and individuals have given support to the center through donated items, financial contributions, and volunteer time.
Today our house serves as a center where children can feel safe and protected and professionals come together to work against child trauma.
The Children’s Place is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is subject to a yearly audit and conforms to generally accepted accounting principles. Several funding sources are used, including, but not limited to: ADECA (Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs), United Way of Central Alabama, National Children’s Alliance Foundation, state appropriations, program service fees, fundraisers and local contributions. Grants that we have received include the Alabama Power Foundation, Andy’s Foundation, the Community Recovery Grant Fund, and the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham.
The center operates under a set of bylaws and articles of incorporation. The governing body is the Board of Directors which participates actively in decision making for the center.